Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014.


So I'm gonna write it all together this week.
First of all, you guys went to Disneyland!! I haven't been there in
sooooo long.. Like 6 years. That's awesome that you guys were able to
go how you did (: I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend!!!
So, last Saturday we had a baptism. It was awesome! We baptized
Manuel, and another set of missionaries baptized a family, so we had 4
baptisms as a district. It was awesome! The baptism went really well,
Manuel's kids came and his little 8 year old son told us he wants to
be baptized now.. So he'll probly be baptized in 2 or 3 weeks! Cool
right? Sunday we had a fireside with our mission president. He is
awesome, I always learn so much from him! I also sang a duet with
another missionary for the musical number.. I think it went well?
Since Sunday things have Been a little crazy.. Before we started the
fireside President Morgan Pulled me aside and told me that another
missionary was sick in the city and was most likely gonna have to go
home on Tuesday (yesterday) and he asked me if I would be willing to
go take his place if he ended up going home.. I said yes. So I got a
call around noon yesterday from the assistants telling me I had like
three hours to pack and then I had to meet them at the mission home..
I only had time to say bye to one family /:  Do you remember Elder
Critchfield? My "son" .. Well, he has a bad case of mononucleosis and
was bed-ridden for the last two weeks. He went home yesterday, and I
came to north Manhattan to take his place. I'm really sad he is home
/: the assistants brought me here yesterday and I got to see elder
Critchfield before they took him to the airport.. That was really
nice- he is supposed to come back to the mission field within two or
three months- I really hope that's true!
I'm pretty sad I had to leave Stamford. I love that place! But I know
I'm needed elsewhere! My zona right now is north manhattan. Otherwise
known as Inwood. Or Washington Heights aka Dominican Heights. EVERYONE
is Dominican here haha my specific area is from 155th st. to 170th st.
From river to river. Remember Rucker park, the place I played ball at
last week? Well, that's in my area haha pretty cool right (: my
companion's name is Elder Cruz! From Tijuana!! Holla haha team bean! I
actually lived with him a year ago when I was in the Bronx, so we
already know each other which is good! Another weird thing is that I'm
Zone Leader again. Definitely did not expect for that to happen! So
yeah. Things are really crazy right now. Transfers are two weeks from
tomorrow, so who knows, I might just be here for two weeks to fill the
gap and then get transferred again. It wouldn't surprise me, I've been
all over the place! Or I could just finish my mission here. We will
just have to wait and see.
I'm not sure what we are doing today. We might go play basketball, but
the assistants invited me to go to the natural history museum with
them. And elder Cruz knows somebody who works there so we could go
into the extra exhibits for free, so we might go do that, I'm not
sure! I still feel pretty weird, I didn't expect to be where I am haha
I am trying to just stay positive and enjoy the journey. I know The
Lord Has a plan and he wouldn't put me here if there wasn't a purpose
for it. I love you guys, thank you for your prayers and your support!

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